Ep 137 The Sky Was Falling with Dr. Cornelia Griggs


This transcript is an interview with Dr. Cornelia Griggs, a pediatric surgeon and author of the book 'The Sky Was Falling: A Young Surgeon's Story of Bravery, Survival, and Hope'. The interview discusses her experiences working on the frontlines during the COVID-19 pandemic in New York City. Dr. Griggs shares her perspective on the challenges faced by healthcare workers, including the risk of contracting the virus, moral dilemmas, and the strain on the healthcare system. She highlights the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on vulnerable communities and the need for systemic changes to address health disparities. The discussion also touches on the corporatization of healthcare, the erosion of trust in medical institutions, and the importance of empathy and effective communication in patient care. Additionally, Dr. Griggs reflects on the challenges of balancing her career as a surgeon with motherhood and the societal pressures faced by working mothers. The interview provides insights into the personal and professional experiences of healthcare workers during the pandemic and raises important questions about the state of the healthcare system and the well-being of medical professionals.


Introduction and Background

The interview begins with an introduction to Dr. Cornelia Griggs, a pediatric surgeon and author of the book 'The Sky Was Falling: A Young Surgeon's Story of Bravery, Survival, and Hope'. The book captures her experiences working on the frontlines during the COVID-19 pandemic in New York City. The interviewer highlights the importance of revisiting and processing the events of the pandemic, despite the desire to move on.

Experiences on the Frontlines

Dr. Griggs shares her experiences working during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in New York City. She describes the sense of risk and uncertainty, with colleagues becoming ill and the lack of clear guidelines on transmission and protective measures. She compares the experience to being on a battlefield, risking her life in service of her patients. Dr. Griggs also discusses the emotional toll of being separated from her young children during this time.

Balancing Career and Motherhood

The discussion shifts to the challenges of balancing a demanding career as a surgeon with motherhood. Dr. Griggs reflects on the societal pressures and criticism faced by working mothers, and her decision to prioritize her career during the pandemic. She emphasizes the importance of self-actualization and setting an example for her children, while acknowledging the sacrifices and trade-offs involved.

Healthcare System Challenges

Dr. Griggs highlights the systemic issues within the healthcare system that were exacerbated by the pandemic. She discusses the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on vulnerable communities, the corporatization of healthcare, and the lack of capacity and resources to handle such a crisis. She also expresses concerns about the erosion of trust in medical institutions and the rise of unregulated wellness industries.

Mental Health and Well-being of Healthcare Workers

The interview touches on the mental health challenges faced by healthcare workers during the pandemic, including burnout, moral injury, and the risk of suicide. Dr. Griggs emphasizes the importance of vulnerability, self-care, and creating a supportive environment within the medical profession. She also discusses the need for cultural humility and understanding within the surgical community.

Action Items

  1. Address health disparities and the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on vulnerable communities through research and advocacy efforts focused on childhood obesity and gun violence prevention.
  2. Advocate for systemic changes in the healthcare system to prioritize preventative care, increase capacity, and align financial incentives with keeping populations healthy.
  3. Promote open dialogue and vulnerability within the medical profession to destigmatize mental health challenges and create a supportive environment for healthcare workers.
  4. Encourage effective communication and empathy in patient care to rebuild trust and bridge the gap between medical institutions and the public.
  5. Raise awareness about the unregulated nature of the wellness industry and the potential risks associated with unproven or non-evidence-based practices.