Are you ready to feel more in control of your life?

Are you ready to become the BOSS MD?


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Do you wonder if you will be happy at ANY job?

I can help!

Become the BOSS MD Program

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You Are Ready To Take Control of Your Career?

This 12 month program will teach you everything you need to know to change how you interact with your patients, staff and administrators. You’ll learn how to:

  • Get out of your head and influence those around you
  • Gain practical tips to make clinic more efficient and not drag into home time
  • Identify why you are feeling discouraged and use strategies that can help

With a simple shift in your mindset, you could have the job you want and worked so hard to achieve.


It's time to have the job you worked so hard to achieve

And it doesn't have to be hard or painful:

We want to be more effective in negotiations, have better relationships with partners, and not suffer through complications. We are meant to be in the OR, but clinic is necessary (but feels so painful)

Do any of these problems sound familiar:

  • I don't understand my partner
  • Complications are causing me to worry this isn't worth the cost
  • I can't seem to get my way
  • Clinic staff don't support me
  • My notes never seem to end
  • I am just so tired
  • I wonder if I want to stay in this job

It's not your imagination

Clinic can seem soul-crushing. What if there are ways to make it more efficient, effective and (gasp) empowering? In Stop Hating Clinic group coaching, you’ll learn how to interact with others with proven techniques that will make clinic empowering and not draining. 

I am SO in!

What's Included In the Become the BOSS MD program...


Specific topics: 

  • The Difficult Partner  (Jan-Feb)
  • It's Complicated (Apr-Jun)
  • Everything is a Negotiation (Jul-Sept)
  • Stop Hating Clinic (Oct-Dec)
  • Monthly topics with "Become the BOSS MD"



Group Coaching

Guided work to help you succeed:

  • Weekly group coaching with doctors like you.
  • Emails with mindset and prompts to help guide your work
  • Introduction of the concept of the week on the call
  • Coaching on the whatever issues are troubling you
  • Private Facebook group for ongoing support

You’ll finish each week of the course one step closer to understanding how you are getting the results you are getting, and practical solutions to achieve the results you want.


Unlimited email coaching

In between calls, you may have questions or want additional help:

  • Send me an email with your question or scenario
  • I will send you suggestions or guidance
  • If you need more help, you can bring it up on a group call or sign up for a 1:1 call

I am committed to helping you get results. If you put forth the work, I will support you anyway I can to get you results.


1:1 coaching

  • Choose this option for personalized coaching 
  • We work through your specific goals 
  • Accelerate your results

Getting insight into your personal mind blocks will help you get where you want to be faster. 

When have you spent time on YOU? 

We spend so much time on others. We take care of our patients, our family, our career. This has worked well for us, until at some point it doesn't. There is a part of us that is asking... what about me? Do you see what is going on with me? 

We are starting to realize that the time spent in our career is NOT spending time with ourselves. This is a program that focuses on you, so you can be an individual thriving in your career, not consumed by it. 

Coaching sessions are times where you get to focus on YOU. To understand how you have gotten to where you are now. What your thoughts on you and your life are. We are high achievers and get things done. And what needs to get done now is figuring out what we really want and how to get it. 

Now is the time...I'm in

In The Next 12 Months, You Could…

  • Change the relationship you have with your staff and colleagues
  • Have more clarity, focus and compassion for yourself through complications
  • Negotiate more effectively
  • Become more effective and efficient in clinic
  • Gain your time and sanity back

This is all possible. I can show you how.

This Program Is For You If...

  • You are a female surgeon 
  • You are questioning if you are in the right place
  • You feel like you could be enjoying your job more
  • You are feeling frustrated with the clinic flow, staff, and patients
  • You feel drained and frustrated with each clinic, complication, and colleague interaction
  • You want to have more free time and not spend it doing notes or worrying about your job

I'm Amy Vertrees, MD

What started as a journey to learn "what's next" for me turned into a passion for helping others have the same feeling of confidence, clarity, and freedom I discovered along the way. But you don't have to struggle and wait- you can learn those skills now.

I have used all the strategies I teach in my career, which has allowed me to become a successful private practice general surgeon and further my career. I learned how to deal with difficult colleagues, managing my thoughts about complications, realizing that everything is a negotiation, how to manage a successful clinic, and countless others.

Once I realized the power that coaching offered me, I became a certified coach through The Life Coach School, and now I coach surgeons to see their potential, too.

"If you are reading this review and wondering if coaching with Dr. Amy Vertress is worth the time and money, then I am happy to say yes, she and *you* are worth it. I survived medical school and surgical residency because I am resilient and can power through anything. But at some point, I started to feel like a hamster on a wheel in my work life, and I wanted to get off the ride. I chose Amy specifically as a coach because I think she is part of the rare tribe today of women who exist as a mom, surgeon, and boss, and more importantly as a person who is also authentic, kind and likeable. She has helped me clarify my goals and values and bring better energy to work life (yes, this helps in your personal life, too:) Setting aside dedicated time to think about the business side of being a surgeon and setting goals is also hugely helpful. I highly recommend her skills as a coach. ."

- Dr. R.G.

"I would frequently find myself overwhelmed with work stress an unsure how to navigate my role in my office and how to take my seat at the table, so to speak. After working with her, I have been better able to assert myself and help to appropriately care for my patients as well as remain calm and serve as a resource for my partners and staff in coming up with solutions."

- Dr. G.S.

"The biggest thing coaching has done for me is made me be less attached to the final outcome (and more confident to do what I want to do--not what someone else wants to do)."

- Dr. A.S.

I had a very complicated political situation at work which was threatening the entire practice I had built. I just wanted to literally scream and was concerned that I may actually end up being the one to get in trouble because I was so angry. This is when I reached out to Amy who skillfully helped me navigate this situation, control my emotions and develop a game plan for interactions. After this was resolved I started to think "well if that went so well, I think there is a lot more I could learn" from the BOSS surgery program to make my life happier, more balanced and worthwhile as a subspeciality surgeon and a person. Five months in to the "all in" program I am 150% satisfied

- Dr. S.

Become the BOSS MD

1:1 Coaching only

***wait list***

  • Open to anyone interested in personal coaching
  • 10 (50min) calls with Amy
  • Optional supporting worksheets
  • Four months access to group coaching (female surgeons) 
  • BOSS MD self-coaching program
  • Unlimited email support for help between calls
  • One payment of $4000
WAIT LIST sign up to get notified about an opening

Annual group coaching (female surgeons only)

  • 12 months access: Go all in this year!
  • Selected books sent to you
  • Access to all the group courses for one year (Difficult partner, It's Complicated, Everything is a Negotiation, Stop Hating Clinic)
  • BOSS MD self-coaching program
  • One payment of $5000
Sign up here

If you aren’t completely satisfied with BOSS coaching, let us know within the first 30-days for a full refund or prorated if 1:1. No questions asked.

Payment plans

Click the red text "here" under the plan you wish to choose. 

Payment plan for individual 1:1 coaching only

Choose here for 3 payments of $1350

Payment plan for female surgeon group coaching

Choose here for 5 payments of $1000